How to built up a brand
1. Attraction of people
- With your logo
- With your message
- With your mission (why)
2. Giving people what they want (emotions)
- Safety
- Satisfaction
- Happiness along the 3F’s
3. Recognition of fulfilling their needs (emotions)
- People start to connect to your attraction and delivery
- People share your upper status (best-in-industry)
- People enhance your delivery
4. Get them on the hook as life-long supporters
- Via Subscriptions
- Via Merchandising
- Via content renewal and additional stuff filling other emotional gaps
5. The reason behind the brand is the key driver „Just do it“
- Do what you preach
- Teach what you do
- Do it better than all others together
6. Success cannot be taught only gained in the process of recognition
- Success is a life-long learning session
- Success comes from heart (emotions) not head (intelligence)
- Success must be used as overdose for improving even further what you are doing
7. People support you, if you do and deliver something superior for them (fill the emotional lack)
- Customer happiness is the first commandment
- Focus on emotional lacks
- Fill all gaps the best you can everyday as much as you can
8. Being published on all media streams as number 1
- Getting to the top and being at the top 1: There is no price for being second!
- Check you track record and your planning for staying number 1
- User experience thrives medias
9. Doing things better than everything else
- Improve everyday 3 things
- Never get lazy
- Being at the technological top and lead your competitors rather than being led
10. Rock it
- Customers have to enjoy the ride they take with you
- Love your success and what you do
- Help your customers as much as you can - never think „that is enough“